SEO Basics

SEO is all that we do and our only goal is to stay focused on your company SEO success


The State of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an extremely competitive market that changes at a relentless pace. Google alone changes its own algorithm on a daily basis so keeping up with these changes is extremely difficult but necessary if you want your organic traffic to be consistent and continue to improve. With SEO changes coming daily and significant updates always in the works, SEO is, has and will keep changing as the market and consumer behavior changes. Google’s search engine results are designed to maximize the user’s experience, while minimizing the marketer’s ability to manipulate those results and because of this our SEO experts must continue to improve their SEO strategies. There are lots of factors that must be considered when ranking your website higher in search results with these factors falling into two distinct categories: offsite SEO and onsite SEO.
Offsite SEO Solutions – Offsite SEO (also called “off-page SEO” and “off-site SEO”) refers to any actions taken outside of your own website that impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). When it comes to improving your offsite SEO success, it is undisputed that high-quality links (also called “backlinks“) from as many unique websites as possible to your website continues to be by far the most important component of the search algorithm. No matter how well you optimized your onsite SEO, a website without high-quality links pointing to it is far less likely to rank highly in organic search results. On a more personal note, you will need to have more high-quality links from more unique referring domains than your competitors. Once you exceed your competitors you shouldn’t stop adding more links (also called “recurring backlinks“). As soon as you stop, you’re giving your competitors a better chance of overtaking you.

Onsite SEO Solutions – On-site SEO (also known as “on-page SEO” and “on-site SEO”) is the practice of optimizing elements on a website in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-site SEO refers to optimizing the website content, minimizing the source code page size, and maximizing the speed that website components load. JoseOne can offer consultation for your onsite SEO as well, but we do not provide onsite SEO services at this time.

SEO Scalability – SEO Scalability pertains to the capacity of an SEO strategy or approach to yield results in proportion to the resources invested. In simpler terms, scalable SEO endeavors increase in effectiveness and reach as more time, money, content, links, and other assets are allocated to them. For instance, producing high-quality content that focuses on relevant keyword phrases has a scalable impact on both rankings and traffic. The more content you generate, the greater the number of keywords you can target and the more visibility you can achieve. As long as each new content piece maintains the same high quality and precision, it amplifies the impact of previous content in a scalable manner.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a measurable method to improve the organic search results positioning of your website within search engine result pages (SERPs) across the most relevant search terms for your website via AI Generated backlinks. In its simplest terms, the core idea of JoseOne is to provide very high-quality links to your website which, in turn, will directly influence the organic search results in your favor, then we provide SEO retention to insure your SEO efforts last. Our SEO Education section will demonstrate that there is a direct correlation between sites with more high-quality backlinks and sites that consistently rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). We will provide a regulated quantity of high-quality links to your website which will directly result in better organic search placement for your website.


Basic Do It Yourself SEO

All of the SEO terms in this “Do It Yourself” (DIY) example will be defined later, but you should be able to get the general idea. There are definitely DIY SEO solutions that can save you lots of money, but it will take lots of hard work on your part to beat your competition who are likely working just as hard on their own SEO. At the simplest level, there are two types of SEO: Onsite SEO and Offsite SEO.

Onsite SEO refers to changes and improvements to your website content in a way that makes search engines like your website better. The first step is to create the best possible content for you website. The quality of your website content is extremely important for SEO ranking as well as visitor retention. Google has even come out and said that content is a SUPER important part of succeeding with SEO. Specifically, they confirmed that “content” is one of Google’s top 3 ranking factors, so definitely take your time creating your content and plan to update your content regularly. Most successful onsite SEO solutions also include a blog that provides your visitors fresh new content on a regular basis.

Next you will want to optimized your website code in a way that encourages Google search to like your website even more. The best tool for improving your onsite SEO is the Yoast plugin where they have a free version than is quite impressive. You will also want to optimize your code and images to insure your website loads as fast as possible. The best tool for that is WPRocket. JoseOne can offer consultation for your onsite SEO as well, but we do not provide onsite SEO services at this time.

Offsite SEO refers to the generation of links and traffic to your website through various approved SEO methods. A link to your website from another website is called a backlink and backlinks are the nucleus to any successful offsite SEO campaign. Your goal is to acquire as many unique high-quality backlinks as possible. Many SEO prophets will tell you about how you can reach out to other companies that are relevant to yours and ask them to add a link to your website on their website. Realistically, are you going to add links on your website to point to others just to help their SEO? Of course not so why would you assume that others would choose to do you that favor.

Alternatively, there are literally thousands of national companies with high website scores that have an option on their website to create a user profile for at no cost to you. For example, you can create a free account at, which has a website score of 96 out of 100. You can then add a full description of your website as the profile’s About section, you can place 4-5 keyword combinations in various other profile fields, and there is even a field to insert your website link within your profile. Basically everything you need to create a high-quality backlink from to your website that is totally legal, white hat (SEO compliant), and free.

To provide more value to your new Amazon profile backlink, you would then want to make Tier 2 and Tier 3 backlinks, using multiple methods explained later. Finally you drip feed those Tier 2 and Tier 3 backlinks to the search engines using allowed methods that are search engine-friendly. Now you simply repeat this process with as many unique companies as needed on a regular basis. Other approved methods of acquiring backlinks include adding your website link within guest articles on other websites, social media, writing testimonials, and answering questions online relative to niche.

Get Started Today!

Are you ready to improve your search engine optimization for your website? Then you have come to the right place! Order now and let’s get started Today!

ONE MONTH - Guarantee

JoseOne is committed to over delivering on all our SEO packages regardless of the subscription you choose. However, because there are so many unknowns within the SEO World and major players like Google often change the rules without notice, JoseOne cannot guarantee results. We do however, for the first month only, offer a one-month money-back guarantee if your website doesn’t show a measurable improvement that meets your satisfaction. You must request a refund within 45 calendar days of your original purchase date. However, if you are satisfied with your first month’s results, but choose not to continue your SEO campaign, we will gladly provide you an additional month of SEO services for free as our gift to you. If you purchased more than one month, you will only be entitled to receive a refund for the first month, but you will always be granted an additional free month of SEO services upon request. By making your first payment, you agree to these terms. We track total backlinks, unique referring domains, Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR), Moz Page Authority (PA), and Moz Domain Authority (DA) as well as other metrics on a monthly basis. We provide all of our clients an SEO Scorecard for your website via email that is dynamically updated monthly. You can request not to receive the monthly update as well if you prefer.

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